Day 46 - Sunday, August 14, 2016
Today is the Sabbath.  Today is #Hisday.  Today was a full day of travel and enlightenment.  It was also a day of tender mercies.  The first picture is of Elder Villanueva.  He was the Area Seventy who presided over the Santa Ignacia Stake Conference.  I am always in awe over the scriptures of our visiting authorities.  They are loved treasures that are used and written in.  
After Santa Ignacia we made a few more trips around the mission.  Camiling was next up.  President had some interviews and I was able to hug some sister missionaries.  Guimba was next.  A returned sister missionary from another mission needed to be released.  While we drove to Guimba, a warning light appeared on the dashboard.  This is never a good sign.  After reading about it, we knew a trip to the repair shop was in order on Monday.  But what about the fireside that we were speaking at in Cabanatuan?  After turning the engine on and off, the light didn't return.  We held our breath until we arrived in Cabanatuan.  The rain and raising rivers were a tender mercy of sorts.  It meant the roads weren't as crowded and there wouldn't be as much braking and accelerating.  After the successful missionary fireside in Cabanatuan, we started our drive home.  Immediately the truck pulled some tricky moves on us.  With a silent prayer in our hearts and the determination to get home, we drove home without much traffic and a functioning truck.  It was a full and impactful Sabbath...#Hisday! 


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