Day 68 - Monday, September 5, 2016

In our area of the Philippines, the most popular form of transportation is the trike (tricycle).  Trikes are built with a sidecar affixed to an imported motorcycle.  Many people will run a business from their trike. One is just being a taxi service getting people from place to place. Another example is the basket trike above.  I haven't been able to get a picture that does a basket trike justice.  Sister Whiting took the one above and I just love it.  While I was in Cebu for the MP Seminar, we went to a little shop where I found my very own carabao driven basket vehicle.  I love this so much that I have it sitting on our dining room table.  I can't imagine the time that was taken to weave those tiny baskets but I'm sure glad that someone did.  



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