Day 165 - Sunday, December 11, 2016
This Sunday nativity was taken by Sister Whiting.  There is a light show and music that goes along with this quaint nativity.  How wonderful that many churches gather together to celebrate the birth of the King of Kings!
Today we enjoyed a great Stake Conference where Elder Adduru presided.  I love seeing the scriptures of the Area Seventies.  They are loved and well used.  Highlighted scriptures and markers throughout.  They are wonderful scriptorians.  President Clark and I spoke as well.  President talked about the Book of Mormon and its importance in our lives.  He gave an analogy of his cellphone.  Our friends visited us in October.  They showed us some features that we never knew was on the phone.  They were always there but we didn't use them until we were informed about them.  That is analogous to how the Book of Mormon is in our lives.  It's one of the greatest gifts that we need to open and explore to understand all of its features, functions and wisdom.  
I spoke about light.  The body is a receptacle for light.  When you live the gospel, you accumulate and leak light!  I spoke about the Church initative #LighttheWorld and encouraged them to utilize it in their lives.  I received beautiful examples from my children how they are on the giving end as well as the receiving end of #LighttheWorld.  Jesus was our example.  We can be examples too. 

Some of our Sisters with investigators at Stake Conference.
Below is a man I met yesterday.  He was recently baptized and he leaks light!  He is blind but has an amazing light that comes from his face because he knows truth. 


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