Day 215 - Monday, January 30, 2017
A missionary schedule is a BIG deal!  The missionary schedule has just gone through a pretty amazing shift.  It is no longer a "one size schedule fits all."  The schedule has main components but now the missionary companionship gets to make decisions on when the components will take place in a day.  It is quite exciting....and scary at the same time.  The General Missionary Committee saw this change as a great way to do a few things:  1.  "It gives the missionaries and MP the latitude to make the necessary decisions and adjustments in the daily work of the missionary."  Elder Oaks  2.  It allows the missionaries to exercise their agency to determine how to best use their time.  It shows that the Lord trusts missionaries to use their time wisely.  3.  It promotes healthier lifestyle choices for sleep and diet.  4.  It provides for more flexibility and additional time on Preparation Day for laundry, shopping, emailing, exercising and participating in recreational activities.  5.  It will allow missionaries after their mission to make a smooth transition into their life and have that same flexibility as they continue to pray, read their scriptures and to remain close to the Lord in their life.  So here's to implementing this great change in our mission!  


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