Day 321 - Sunday, May 14, 2017
Happy Mother's Day to all mothers who have mothered children in whatever form that takes.  Since becoming a missionary, my heart warms to know that our missionaries get to call and speak with their mothers.  This only happens two times a year.  I used to worry that they would get homesick because of the call, but now I delight in knowing missionary families get to enjoy a mini reunion (electronically) of sorts.  Mothers in particular hear their child's voice and know how great their missionary is doing.  We stress to the missionary to bring their family to where they are here in the mission field instead of going where their family is.  It is an interesting balance.  The missionaries often report to President Clark that they "won" the territorial battle and they were successful in helping their family feel the spirit of the mission.  Hope you all had a wonderful celebration of motherhood.
This picture reminds me of missionaries preparing for their Mother's Day call - writing down what they want to share with their families so they don't forget what's most important.
These are the people that make my heart melt with joy.  By virtue of their existence, I bear the proud title of "mother!"  


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