Day 376 - July 7, 2017
My mom is a party planner.  She has thought about a Homecoming gathering for Scott and me for months.  The time finally came when she could have her party.  It was a first on many levels.  The first time we gathered together for 3 years with loved ones.  It was the first time Dad Curtis has been to the house since he went into the rehab center.  It was the first time Dad Clark has ventured out of his home for anything other than a doctor's appointment in a very long time.  It was wonderful seeing everyone again.  The pinnacle event of the evening was when Mikale presented us with a gift from our children.  It was a picture of the Philippines Angeles Mission Home.  When we saw it, there was an immediate emotion of love and sense of reverence.  That home was a refuge to us for 3 years.  We love the memories of the meals, the missionaries, the members, our friends, the preparation, the respite from a hectic days work, the place where many prayers were offered, where we skyped with family, where we learned and many people and events that have touched our lives and made us better.  This is a gift that will be one of our favorites always. At the end of the evening we had another surprise.  One of our missionaries came to visit.  Sierra Allen was an incredible missionary and now off having great adventures and doing great things.  It was fun catching up with her!  We love our missionaries!


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