Day 182 - Wednesday, December 28, 2016

The lack of internet is putting a crimp in the daily picture a day posting but I am trying be patient and hope better for the new year. Today is our cute Jackson's birthday.  Jackson was born 6 months before we came to the Philippines.  President Clark and I had just found out where we would be serving on our mission.  I loved being able to be with this sweet boy as much as possible after he was born.  I knew it would be a long time before I'd be able to squeeze him again.  One of the members of the Cabanatuan Stake drew this picture of me with Jackson after I was here a year.  It was a tender and appreciated gift.  I have it on my dresser everyday so I can remember that precious time with Jack.  Today he celebrates his 3rd birthday.   It won't be very long before we can reacquaint ourselves and I can smother him in gramma love.  Happy Birthday sweet boy!  


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