Day 234 - Saturday, February 18, 2017
This may seem like an unusual picture for the day.  There is a great story behind it.  We were able to attend the Tarlac Stake Conference on Saturday evening.  We love doing this because it is the Stake where we live.  Although we had a district conference at the same time in another part of the mission, we were able to split our time because they both had Seventy's presiding.  We were singing the opening song and the power went out.  This wonderful group of saints did not skip a note or volume while singing.  It is one of the charming traits of a Filipino.  You carry on come what may.  Everyone stayed in their seats while some of the brothers went out to turn the generator on.  We sang hymns while waiting and the power came on, partially.  There was enough for lights but not aircon.  The meeting went on and we loved the talks, the music by the choir and the overall feeling.  It is definitely another snapshot that will go in my memory bank.


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